• bluegrass-musiikki
  • Bluegrass-instrumentit
  • Suomalaiset yhtyeet
  • Bluegrass-klubi ja jamit
  • SBMY r.y.
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Suomen bluegrass-musiikin yhdistys r.y.

SBMY r.y. on perustettu 1993 edistämään ja tekemään tunnetuksi bluegrass-musiikkia Suomessa. Näiltä sivuilta löydät tietoa bluegrass-musikista sekä suomalaisista yhtyeistä. Tarkastele näitä sivuja lähemmin ja ota suunta kohti lähimpiä jameja. Bluegrass-musiikkia on soitettu Suomessa yli 30 vuotta. Mikäli sinulla on näitä sivuja tai bluegrass-musiikkia koskevaa asiaa ota yhteyttä webmaster[at]bluegrass.fi

The Finnish Bluegrass Music Association

The Finnish Bluegrass Music Association has been established in 1993. It’s goal is to promote Bluegrass music in Finland and present it to new audiences who are not aware of this fine acoustic music.


Bluegrass music is like going to school.
When you learn Bluegrass, you can play a lot of music.
– Bill Monroe

The term 'bluegrass' describes the hot string-band style
pioneered by Kentuckian Bill Monroe, which blends
old-time country music with blues rhythms
and jazz-influenced improvisation.
– Mel Bay

The Finnish Bluegrass Music Association

The Finnish Bluegrass Music Association has been established in 1993. It’s goal is to promote Bluegrass music in Finland and present it to new audiences who are not aware of this fine acoustic music.

FiBMA arranges the annual Rootsinpyhtää Bluegrass festival which has run since 1988. FiBMA members have participated in arranging the festival since the beginning taking officially over from Chip Covington and Matti Lehtola after 1993.

FiBMA also arranges a periodic Toimela Bluegrass workshop. It was previously run for over thirty years by the late Tom Kuchka who’s memory and long time work for Bluegrass in Finland was honored by Finnish and Swedish Bluegrass musicians at the Tom Kuchka Memorial Concert in autumn 2000 in Helsinki. Tom Kuchka was voted European Bluegrass Pioneer in 2002.

A regular monthly bluegrass jam session is held in restaurant John Scott’s Arkadia on Salomonkatu in Helsinki on the first Monday of every month. It is an open venue for all bluegrass musicians. FiBMA also arranges Bluegrass workshop weekends around the year with extensive bluegrass teaching and band training. Everybody get together, go to sauna, have a dip in the lake and pick all night. The weekends are so successful even Bluegrass pickers from around Scandinavia like to participate when they can.

For further information please contact FiBMA at info@bluegrass.fi

Finnish Bluegrass Music Association FiBMA